Koffie €2,9
Espresso €2,9
Cappuccino €3,5
Koffie verkeerd €3,5
Latte macchiato €3,8
Thee €2,9
Verse muntthee €3,8
Verse gemberthee €3,8
Warme chocolademelk €3
Warme chocolademelk met slagroom €3,8
Warme specials
Irish coffee €7,5
Italian coffee €7,5
Spanish coffee €7,5
French coffee €7,5
Dokkumer koffie €7,5
Appelgebak met slagroom €5,75
Blondie van witte chocolade met frambozenmouse €6
Plaatcake van roodfruit met vlierbloesemroom €5,25
Pepsi €3
Pepsi Max €3
7 up Sugarfree €3
Rivella €3
Sisi Sinas Sugarfree €3
Royal Club Cassis €3
Royal Club Tonic €3
Royal Club Ginger Ale €3
Royal Club Bitter Lemon €3
Royal Club Appelsap €3
Lipton Ice Tea Green€3
Lipton Ice Tea Sparkling €3
Verse jus d’orange €4,5
Sourcy Still €3
Sourcy Sparkling €3
Sourcy Still 75 cl €5,5
Sourcy Sparkling 75 cl €5,5
Chocomel €3
Fristi €3
Tomatensap €3,5
Melk €2,5
Karnemelk €2,5
Malibu €5
Licor 43 €5
Baileys €5
Amaretto €5
Limoncello €5
Tia Maria €5
Grand marnier €5
Jägermeister €5
Drambuie €5
Cointreau €5
Sambuca €5
Advocaat €5
Joseph Guy VS €6
Rémy Martin VSOP €8
Cles des Ducs Armagnac VSOP €6
Calvados Busnel €6
Famous Grouse €5
Jack Daniel’s €7
Jameson €6
Glen Talloch €6
Johnnie Walker red label €6
Aperol €5
Port rood of wit €4,5
Martini rood of wit €4
Sherry droog of medium €4
Pernod €4
Campari €4
Crodino 0.0% €4
Beerenburg €4
Vieux €4
Gordon’s gin €5
Jenever jong of oud €4
Corenwijn €4
Bacardi rum €5
Smirnoff vodka €4
Tequila €4
WKNDS cocktail €7,5
Ginger 43 €7,5
Aperol Spritz €7,5
Limoncello Spritz €7,5